name | arguments | returns |
__init__ | n_bins :int, chem_data=None, reaction_handler=None | |
:param n_bins: The number of compartments (bins) to use in the simulation
:param chem_data: [OPTIONAL] Object of class "ChemData";
if not specified, it will get extracted
from the "UniformCompartment" class (if passed to the next argument)
:param reaction_handler:[OPTIONAL] Object of class "UniformCompartment";
if not specified, it'll get instantiated here
name | arguments | returns |
system_size | | int |
Return the number of bins in the system
Note: the bin numbers will range between 0 and (system_size - 1)
:return: The number of bins in the system
name | arguments | returns |
get_chem_data | | |
Return all the associated chemical data,
incl. diffusion rate constants (but EXCLUSIVE of reactions)
:return: An Object of type "ChemData"
name | arguments | returns |
get_reactions | | |
Return all the associated reactions
:return: Object ot type "Reactions" (with data about all the reactions)
name | arguments | returns |
get_reaction_handler | bin_address=0 | |
Return the object that manages the reactions.
Note that for now just 1 object is present;
in the future, it might be 1 per bin (or per bin cluster)
:param bin_address: CURRENTLY NOT USED
:return: Object ot type "UniformCompartment"
name | arguments | returns |
reset_system | | None |
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
save_system | | dict |
For now, just return a copy of self.system, with a "frozen" snapshot of the current system state
:return: A dict of (for now a part of) the elements needed to later restore the complete system state
name | arguments | returns |
restore_system | new_state: dict | None |
Replace (some, for now, of) the various parts the System's internal state.
For details of the data structure, see the class variable "system"
:param new_state: Numpy array containing the desired new System's internal state
name | arguments | returns |
replace_system | new_state: np.array | None |
Replace the System's internal state.
For details of the data structure, see the class variable "system"
IMPORTANT: membranes aren't handled. System length and global_Dx are currently not modified
:param new_state: Numpy array containing the desired new System's internal state
name | arguments | returns |
system_snapshot_arr | chem_label=None, chem_index=None | np.ndarray |
Return a snapshot of all the concentrations of the given chemical species,
across ALL BINS, as a 1D Numpy array.
If a Pandas dataframe is desired, use system_snapshot()
:param chem_label: String with the label to identify the chemical of interest
:param chem_index: Integer to identify the chemical of interest. Cannot specify both chem_label and chem_index
:return: A 1-D Numpy array of concentration values along bin coordinates
name | arguments | returns |
system_snapshot | | pd.DataFrame |
Return a snapshot of all the concentrations of all the species, across all bins
as a Pandas dataframe
:return: A Pandas dataframe: each row is a bin,
and each column a chemical species
name | arguments | returns |
set_uniform_concentration | conc: float, species_index=None, species_name=None | None |
Assign the given concentration to all the bins of the specified species (identified by its index or name.)
Any previous values get over-written
:param conc: The desired value of chemical concentration for the above species
:param species_index: Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
:param species_name: (OPTIONAL) If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
set_all_uniform_concentrations | conc_list: Union[list, tuple], snapshot=True | None |
Set the concentrations of all chemical species at once, uniformly across all bins
:param conc_list: List or tuple of concentration values for each of the chemical species
:param snapshot: [OPTIONAL] If True (default), add to the history
a snapshot of this state being set
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
set_bin_conc | bin_address: int, conc: float, species_index=None, species_name=None,
across_membrane=False, both_sides=False | None |
Assign the requested concentration value to the given bin, for the specified chemical species.
Optionally, set the value for the "alternate bin" ("other side" of the membrane)
:param bin_address: The zero-based bin number of the desired compartment
:param conc: The desired concentration value to assign to the specified location
:param species_index: Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
:param species_name: (OPTIONAL) If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
:param across_membrane: It True, consider the "other side" of the bin, i.e. the portion across the membrane
:param both_sides: If True, set the "regular" bin and the "other side" as well
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
set_species_conc | conc_list: Union[list, tuple, np.ndarray], species_index=None, species_name=None | None |
Assign the requested list of concentration values to all the bins, in bin order, for the single specified species.
:param conc_list: A list, tuple or Numpy array with the desired concentration values
to assign to all the bins.
The dimensions must match the system's dimensions.
:param species_index: Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
:param species_name: (OPTIONAL) If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
inject_conc_to_bin | bin_address: int, delta_conc: float, chem_label=None, chem_index=None, zero_clip = False | None |
Add the requested concentration to the cell with the given address, for the specified chem species
:param bin_address: The zero-based bin number of the desired cell
:param chem_label:
:param chem_index: Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
:param delta_conc: The concentration to add to the specified location
:param zero_clip: If True, any requested increment causing a concentration dip below zero, will make the concentration zero;
otherwise, an Exception will be raised
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
inject_gradient | species_name, conc_left = 0., conc_right = 0. | None |
Add to the concentrations of the specified chemical species a linear gradient spanning across all bins,
with the indicated values at the endpoints of the system.
:param species_name: The name of the chemical species whose concentration we're modifying
:param conc_left: The desired amount of concentration to add to the leftmost bin (the start of the gradient)
:param conc_right: The desired amount of concentration to add to the rightmost bin (the end of the gradient)
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
inject_sine_conc | species_name, frequency, amplitude, bias=0, phase=0, zero_clip = False | None |
Add to the concentrations of the specified chemical species a sinusoidal signal across all bins.
Note: A sine wave of the form f(x) = A sin(B x - C)
has an amplitude of A, a period of 2Pi/B and a right phase shift of C (in radians)
In Mathematica: Plot[Sin[B x - C] /. {B -> 2 Pi, C -> 0} , {x, 0, 1}, GridLines -> Automatic]
:param species_name: The name of the chemical species whose concentration we're modifying
:param frequency: Number of waves along the length of the system
:param amplitude: Amplitude of the Sine wave. Note that peak-to-peak values are double the amplitude
:param bias: Amount to be added to all values (akin to "DC bias" in electrical circuits)
:param phase: In degrees: phase shift to the RIGHT. EXAMPLE: 180 to flip the Sine curve
:param zero_clip: If True, any requested change causing a concentration dip below zero,
will make the concentration zero;
otherwise, an Exception will be raised
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
inject_bell_curve | species_name, mean=0.5, sd=0.15, amplitude=1., bias=0 | None |
Add to the concentrations of the specified chemical species a signal across all bins in the shape of a Bell curve.
The default values provide bell shape centered in the middle of the system, and fairly spread out
(but pretty close to zero at the endpoints)
:param species_name: The name of the chemical species whose concentration we're modifying
:param mean: A value, generally between 0 and 1, indication the position of the mean relative to the system;
if less than 0 or greater than 1, only one tail of the curve will be seen
:param sd: Standard deviation, in units of the system length
:param amplitude: Amount by which to multiply the signal
:param bias: Positive amount to be added to all values (akin to "DC bias" in electrical circuits)
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
uses_membranes | | bool |
Return True if membranes are part of the system
name | arguments | returns |
set_membranes | membrane_pos: Union[List, Tuple] | None |
Set the presence of all membranes in the system,
and optionally specify the fraction of the "A" part of the bin (by default 0.5)
Initialize the class variables "membranes" and "A_fraction"
EXAMPLES: set_membranes([4, 20, 23])
set_membranes([4, (20, 0.7), 23])
IMPORTANT: any previously-set membrane information is lost.
:param membrane_pos: A list or tuple of:
1) EITHER indexes of bins that contain membranes
2) OR pairs of bins numbers and fractional values
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
assert_valid_bin | bin_address: int | None |
Raise an Exception if the given bin number isn't valid
:param bin_address: An integer that ought to be between 0 and (self.n_bins-1), inclusive
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
lookup_species | species_index=None, species_name=None, trans_membrane=False, copy=False | np.array |
Return the NumPy array of concentration values across the all bins (from left to right)
for the single specified chemical species.
NOTE: what is being returned NOT a copy, unless specifically requested
:param species_index: The index order of the chemical species of interest
:param species_name: (OPTIONAL) If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
:param trans_membrane: If True, consider only the "other side" of the bins, i.e. the portion across the membrane
(it will be zero for bins without membrane)
:param copy: If True, an independent numpy array will be returned: a *copy* rather than a view
:return: A NumPy 1-D array of concentration values across the bins (from left to right);
the size of the array is the number of bins
name | arguments | returns |
bin_concentration | bin_address: int, species_index=None, species_label=None, trans_membrane=False | float |
Return the concentration at the requested bin of the specified chemical species
:param bin_address: The bin number
:param species_index: The index order of the chemical species of interest
:param species_label: [OPTIONAL] If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
:param trans_membrane: If True, consider the "other side" of the bin, i.e. the portion across the membrane
:return: A concentration value at the indicated bin, for the requested species
name | arguments | returns |
bin_snapshot | bin_address: int | dict |
Extract the concentrations of all the chemical species at the specified bin,
as a dict whose keys are the names of the species
EXAMPLE: {'A': 10.0, 'B': 50.0}
:param bin_address: An integer with the bin number
:return: A dict of concentration values; the keys are the names of the species
name | arguments | returns |
bin_snapshot_array | bin_address: int, trans_membrane=False | np.array |
Extract the concentrations of all the chemical species at the specified bin,
as a Numpy array in the index order of the species
EXAMPLE: np.array([10., 50.)]
:param bin_address: An integer with the bin number
:param trans_membrane: If True, consider the "other side" of the bin, i.e. the portion across the membrane
:return: A Numpy array of concentration values, in the index order of the species
name | arguments | returns |
show_system_snapshot | | pd.DataFrame |
Print a header, and return a dataframe
:return: A Pandas dataframe
name | arguments | returns |
selected_concentrations | bins=None, chem_labels=None | dict |
Extract and return the concentration values of one or more (use None for all) chemicals,
in one or more bins.
The value is returned as a dictionary where the keys are bin addresses, and the values are dicts of
concentration values for the various chemicals (identified by their labels)
{ 5: {"A": 1.3, "B": 3.9},
8: {"A": 4.6, "B": 2.7}
:param bins: Bin address (integer), or list of bin addresses. Use None to indicate all
:param chem_labels: Chemical label, or list of labels. Use None to indicate all
:return: A dict indexed by bin address
name | arguments | returns |
describe_state | concise=False | Union[pd.DataFrame, None] |
A simple printout of the state of the system, for now useful only for small systems.
EXAMPLE (concise):
SYSTEM STATE at Time t = 0:
[[0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0.]]
EXAMPLE (not concise):
SYSTEM STATE at Time t = 0:
4 bins and 2 chemical species:
[PANDAS data frame returned]
:param concise: If True, only produce a minimalist printout with just the concentration values
:return: None, if membranes are present, or a Pandas dataframe otherwise
name | arguments | returns |
show_membranes | n_decimals=1 | str |
A simple-minded early method to visualize where the membranes are.
Print, and return, a string with a diagram to visualize membranes and the fractions
of their "left" sides
EXAMPLE (with 2 membranes on the right part of a 5-bin system):
| | |0.8| |0.3|
:param n_decimals: Number of decimal places to show in the fractions
:return: A string with the character-based diagram;
if no membranes were defined, return an empty string
name | arguments | returns |
set_dimensions | length | None |
Set the overall length of the system.
Doing so, will permit to convert bin numbers to positional values
:param length:
name | arguments | returns |
x_coord | bin_address | |
Return the x coordinate of the middle of the specified bin.
By convention, for the leftmost bin, it's zero,
and for the rightmost, it's the overall length of the system
name | arguments | returns |
increase_spatial_resolution | factor:int | None |
Increase the spatial resolution of the system by cloning and repeating
each bin, by the specified number of times.
Replace the System's internal state
(note that the number of bins will increase by the requested factor)
EXAMPLE: if the (2-chemicals) system is
[[11. 12. 13.]
[ 5. 15. 25.]]
and factor=2, then the result will be
[[11. 11. 12. 12. 13. 13.]
[ 5. 5. 15. 15. 25. 25.]]
:param factor: Number of bins into which to split each bin (replicating their concentration values)
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
double_spatial_resolution_linear | | None |
Increase the spatial resolution of the system by inserting between bins
their average value (of concentrations, for every chemical species.)
Replace the System's internal state
(note that if the number of bins is initially N, it'll become 2N-1).
If the system has fewer than 2 bins, an Exception will be raised.
EXAMPLE: if the (2-chemicals) system is
[[11. 12. 13.]
[ 5. 15. 25.]]
then the result will be
[[11. 11.5 12. 12.5 13. ]
[ 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. ]]
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
decrease_spatial_resolution | factor:int | None |
EXAMPLE: if the system is
[[10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60.]
[ 2., 8., 5., 15., 4., 2.]]
and factor=2, then the result will be
[[15., 35., 55.]
[ 5., 10., 3.]]
:param factor:
name | arguments | returns |
smooth_spatial_resolution | | None |
EXAMPLE: if the system is
[[10., 20., 30.]
[ 2., 8., 4.]]
then the result will be
[[10., 15., 20., 25., 30.]
[ 2., 5., 8., 6., 4.]]
name | arguments | returns |
check_mass_conservation | expected :float, chem_label=None, chem_index=None | bool |
Check whether the sum of all the concentrations of the specified chemical,
across all bins, adds up to the passed value
:param expected:
:param chem_label: String with the label to identify the chemical of interest
:param chem_index: Integer to identify the chemical of interest. Cannot specify both chem_label and chem_index
name | arguments | returns |
reaction_in_equilibrium | bin_address: int, rxn_index :int, tolerance=1, explain=True | bool |
Ascertain whether the given system concentrations are in equilibrium at the given bin,
for the specified reactions (by default, check all reactions)
:param bin_address: The zero-based bin number of the desired compartment
:param rxn_index: The integer index (0-based) to identify the reaction of interest;
if None, then check all the reactions
:param tolerance: Allowable relative tolerance, as a PERCENTAGE,
to establish satisfactory match with expected values
:param explain: If True, print out details about the analysis,
incl. the formula(s) being used to check the equilibrium
EXAMPLES: "([C][D]) / ([A][B])"
"[B] / [A]^2"
:return: Return True if ALL the reactions are close enough to an equilibrium,
as allowed by the requested tolerance;
otherwise, return a dict of the form {False: [list of reaction indexes]}
for all the reactions that failed the criterion
EXAMPLE: {False: [3, 6]}
name | arguments | returns |
enable_history | bins=None, frequency=1, chem_labels=None, take_snapshot=False | None |
Request history capture, with the specified parameters.
If history was already enabled, this function can be used to alter its capture parameters.
:param bins: Bin address (integer), or list of bin addresses. Use None to indicate all
:param frequency:
:param chem_labels: [OPTIONAL] List of chemicals to include in the history;
if None (default), include them all.
:param take_snapshot: If True, a snapshot of the system's current configuration is added to the history
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
capture_snapshot | step_count=None, caption="" | None |
:param step_count:
:param caption:
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
get_bin_history | bin_address :int | pd.DataFrame |
Get the concentration history at the given bin(s) of all the chemicals
whose history was requested by a call of enable_history()
:param bin_address: A single bin address (an integer)
:return: A Pandas data frame
name | arguments | returns |
add_snapshot | data_snapshot: dict, caption ="" | None |
DEPRECATED: being phased out
Preserve some data value (passed as dictionary) in the history, linked to the
current System Time.
EXAMPLE: add_snapshot(data_snapshot = {"concentration_A": 12.5, "concentration_B": 3.7},
caption="Just prior to infusion")
IMPORTANT: if the data is not immutable, then it ought to be cloned first,
to preserve it from possible later modifications
:param data_snapshot: A dictionary of data to preserve for later use
:param caption: Optional caption to attach to this preserved data
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
get_history | | pd.DataFrame |
DEPRECATED: being phased out
Retrieve and return a Pandas dataframe with the system history that had been saved
using add_snapshot()
:return: a Pandas dataframe
name | arguments | returns |
diffuse | total_duration=None, time_step=None, n_steps=None, delta_x=1, algorithm=None | dict |
Uniform-step diffusion, with 2 out of 3 criteria specified:
1) until reaching, or just exceeding, the desired time duration
2) using the given time step
3) carrying out the specified number of steps
:param total_duration: The overall time advance (i.e. time_step * n_steps)
:param time_step: The size of each time step
:param n_steps: The desired number of steps
:param delta_x: Distance between consecutive bins
:param algorithm: (Optional) code specifying the method to use to solve the diffusion equation.
Currently available options: "5_1_explicit"
:return: A dictionary with data about the status of the operation
(for now, just the number of steps run; key: "steps")
name | arguments | returns |
diffuse_step | time_step, delta_x=1, algorithm=None | None |
Diffuse all the species for the given time step, across all bins;
clear the delta_diffusion array, and then re-compute it from all the species.
IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.
:param time_step: Time step over which to carry out the diffusion
If too large - as determined by the method is_excessive() - an Exception will be raised
:param delta_x: Distance between consecutive bins
:param algorithm: (Optional) code specifying the method to use to solve the diffusion equation.
Currently available options: "5_1_explicit"
:return: None (the array in the class variable "delta_diffusion" gets set)
name | arguments | returns |
diffuse_step_single_species | time_step: float, species_index=0, delta_x=1 | np.array |
Diffuse the specified single chemical species, for the given time step, across all bins,
and return a 1-D array of the changes in concentration ("Delta concentration")
for the given species across all bins.
IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.
We're assuming an isolated environment, with nothing diffusing thru the "walls"
This approach is based on a "3+1 stencil", aka "Explicit Forward-Time Centered Space".
:param time_step: Delta time over which to carry out this single diffusion step;
if too large, an Exception will be raised.
:param species_index: ID (in the form of an integer index) of the chemical species under consideration
:param delta_x: Distance between consecutive bins
:return: A 1-D Numpy array with the CHANGE in concentration for the given species across all bins
name | arguments | returns |
diffuse_step_single_species_5_1_stencils | time_step: float, species_index=0, delta_x=1 | np.array |
Similar to diffuse_step_single_species(), but using a "5+1 stencil";
i.e. spatial derivatives are turned into finite elements using 5 adjacent bins instead of 3.
For more info, see diffuse_step_single_species()
IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.
:param time_step: Delta time over which to carry out this single diffusion step;
if too large, an Exception will be raised.
:param species_index: ID (in the form of an integer index) of the chemical species under consideration
:param delta_x: Distance between consecutive bins
:return: A Numpy array with the CHANGE in concentration for the given species across all bins
name | arguments | returns |
is_excessive | time_step, diff_rate, delta_x | bool |
Use a loose heuristic to determine if the requested time step is too long,
given the diffusion rate and delta_x.
This is also based on the "Von Neumann stability analysis"
(an explanation can be found at:
:param time_step:
:param diff_rate:
:param delta_x:
name | arguments | returns |
max_time_step | diff_rate, delta_x | float |
Determine a reasonable upper bound on the time step, for the given diffusion rate and delta_x
This is also based on the "Von Neumann stability analysis"
(an explanation can be found at:
:param diff_rate:
:param delta_x:
name | arguments | returns |
react | total_duration=None, time_step=None, n_steps=None, snapshots=None, silent=False | None |
Update the system concentrations as a result of all the reactions in all bins - taking
the presence of membranes into account, if applicable.
CAUTION : NO diffusion is performed. Use this function
only if you intend to do reactions without diffusion!
The duration and granularity of the reactions is specified with 2 out of the 3 parameters:
total_duration, time_step, n_steps
For each bin, or each membrane-separated side of bin, (or combined group of bins - not currently implemented),
process all the reactions in it - based on
the INITIAL concentrations (prior to this reaction step),
which are used as the basis for all the reactions.
Optionally, save some data from the individual reaction steps
:param total_duration: The overall time advance (i.e. time_step * n_steps)
:param time_step: The size of each time step
:param n_steps: The desired number of steps
:param snapshots: OPTIONAL dict that may contain any the following keys:
-"sample_bin" (Required integer; if not present, no snapshots are taken)
-"initial_caption" (default blank. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
-"final_caption" (default blank. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
If provided, take a system snapshot after running a multiple
of "frequency" run steps (default 1, i.e. at every step.)
EXAMPLE: snapshots={"frequency": 2, "sample_bin": 0}
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
reaction_step | delta_time: float | None |
Compute and store the incremental concentration changes in all bins,
from all reactions,
for a single time step of duration delta_time.
The incremental concentration changes are stored in the class variable
"delta_reactions", which contains a Numpy array that gets cleared and set.
IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.
For each bin, process all the reactions in it - based on
the INITIAL concentrations (prior to this reaction step),
which are used as the basis for all the reactions.
:param delta_time: The time duration of the reaction step - assumed to be small enough that the
concentration won't vary significantly during this span
:return: None (note: the class variable "delta_reactions" gets updated)
name | arguments | returns |
react_diffuse | total_duration=None, time_step=None, n_steps=None, delta_x = 1 | None |
It expects 2 out of the following 3 arguments: total_duration, time_step, n_steps
Perform a series of reaction and diffusion constant time steps.
:param total_duration: The overall time advance (i.e. time_step * n_steps)
:param time_step: The size of each constant time step
:param n_steps: The desired number of constant steps
:param delta_x: Distance between consecutive bins
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
visualize_system | title_prefix=None, colors=None | pgo.Figure |
Visualize the current state of the system of all the chemicals as a combined line plot,
using plotly
:param title_prefix:[OPTIONAL] A string to prefix to the auto-generated title
:param colors: [OPTIONAL] If None, then use the registered colors (if specified),
or the hardwired defaults as a last resort
:return: A Plotly "Figure" object
name | arguments | returns |
system_heatmap | chem_labels=None, title_prefix ="", row_height=150,
colors=None | pgo.Figure |
Produce a heatmap, and return it as a plotly Figure object
:param chem_labels: [OPTIONAL] NOT YET USED. For now, ALL chemicals get shown
:param title_prefix:[OPTIONAL] A string to prefix to the auto-generated title
:param row_height: [OPTIONAL] Height of each of the heatmap rows;
if too small to fit the heatmap, it will automatically be made larger
:param colors: [OPTIONAL] If None, then use the registered colors (if specified);
in case of absence of registered colors, use black if just 1 chemical,
or the hardwired default colors otherwise
:return: A Plotly "Figure" object with a Heatmap
name | arguments | returns |
single_species_heatmap | species_index: int, heatmap_pars: dict, graphic_component, header=None | None |
Send to the HTML log, a heatmap representation of the concentrations of
the single requested species. Note: if using in Jupyterlab, this image will NOT be displayed there
IMPORTANT: must first call GraphicLog.config(), or an Exception will be raised
:param species_index: Index identifying the species of interest
:param heatmap_pars: A dictionary of parameters for the heatmap
:param graphic_component: A string with the name of the graphic module to use. EXAMPLE: "vue_heatmap_11"
:param header: Optional string to display just above the heatmap
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
single_species_line_plot | species_index: int, plot_pars: dict, graphic_component, header=None | None |
Send to the HTML log, a line plot representation of the concentrations of
the single requested species. To plot more than 1 species, use line_plot() instead
IMPORTANT: must first call GraphicLog.config(), or an Exception will be raised
:param species_index: Index identifying the species of interest
:param plot_pars: A dictionary of parameters for the plot
:param graphic_component: A string with the name of the graphic module to use. EXAMPLE: "vue_curves_3"
:param header: Optional string to display just above the plot
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
line_plot | plot_pars: dict, graphic_component, header=None, color_mapping=None | None |
Send to the HTML log, a line plot representation of the concentrations of
all the chemical species species.
IMPORTANT: must first call GraphicLog.config(), or an Exception will be raised
:param plot_pars: A dictionary of parameters (such as "outer_width") for the plot
:param graphic_component: A string with the name of the graphic module to use. EXAMPLE: "vue_curves_4"
:param header: [OPTIONAL] String to display just above the plot
:param color_mapping: [OPTIONAL] Dict mapping index numbers to color names or RBG hex values.
If not provided, the colors associated to the chemicals are used, if any
:return: None
name | arguments | returns |
plot_history_single_bin | bin_address :int, colors=None, title=None, smoothed=False | pgo.Figure |
Using plotly, draw the plots of chemical concentration values over time at the specified bin,
based on the historical data that was saved when running simulations.
Note: if this plot is to be later combined with others, use PlotlyHelper.combine_plots()
:param bin_address: A single bin address (an integer)
:param colors: [OPTIONAL] List of CSS color names for each of the heatmaps.
If provided, its length must match that of the data;
if None, then use the registered colors (if specified),
or the hardwired defaults as a last resort
:param title: [OPTIONAL] Label for the top of the plot. If not passed, a default is used
:param smoothed: [OPTIONAL] If True, a spline is used to smooth the lines;
otherwise (default), line segments are used
:return: A plotly "Figure" object; an Exception is raised if no historical data is found
name | arguments | returns |
frequency_analysis | species_name: str, threshold = 0.001, n_largest = None | pd.DataFrame |
Return the individual frequencies, and their relative amplitudes,
in the concentration values of the specified chemical species.
A Discrete Fourier Transform is used for the computation.
:param species_name: The name of the chemical whose concentration we want to analyze
:param threshold: Minimum amplitudes of the frequency components to be considered non-zero
(NOTE: these are the raw values returned by the DFT - not the normalized ones.)
:param n_largest: If specified, only the rows with the given number of largest amplitudes gets returned
(if there are fewer rows to start with, they all get returned)
:return: A Pandas dataframe with 2 columns, "Frequency" and "Relative Amplitude";
amplitudes are relative the the smallest nonzero frequency (which is taken to be 1.0)
Frequency Relative Amplitude
0 0.0 3.0
1 2.0 1.0
2 4.0 0.5
3 8.0 0.2