BioSim2D – Reference Guide

Source code

Class BioSim2D

    2D simulations of diffusion and reactions
__init__self, n_bins=None, chem_data=None, reactions=None

        :param n_bins:      A pair with the bin size in the x- and y- coordinates
        :param chem_data:
        :param reactions:
initialize_systemself, n_bins: (int, int), chem_data=None, reactions=NoneNone
        Initialize all concentrations to zero.

        :param n_bins:     The number of compartments (bins) to use in the simulation,
                                in the x- and y- dimensions, as a pair of integers
        :param chem_data:   (OPTIONAL) Object of class "Chemicals";
                                if not specified, it will get extracted from the "Reactions" class
        :param reactions:   (OPTIONAL) Object of class "Reactions";
                                if not specified, it'll get instantiated here

        :return:            None
system_sizeself(int, int)
        Return a pair of integers with the system size in the x- and y-dimensions
        Note: the bin numbers will range between 0 and system_size - 1

        :return:    The pair (x-dimension, y-dimension)
system_snapshotself, species_index=0pd.DataFrame
        Return a snapshot of all the concentrations of the given species, across all bins,
        as a Pandas dataframe

        :return:    A Pandas dataframe with the concentration data for the single specified chemical;
                    rows and columns correspond to the system's rows and columns
set_bin_concself, bin_x: int, bin_y: int, species_index: int, conc: floatNone
        Assign the requested concentration value to the cell with the given index, for the specified species

        :param bin_x:           The zero-based bin number of the desired cell
        :param bin_y:           The zero-based bin number of the desired cell
        :param species_index:   Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
        :param conc:            The desired concentration value to assign to the specified location
        :return:                None
set_bin_conc_all_speciesself, bin_x: int, bin_y: int, conc_list: [float]None
        Assign the requested concentration values to the cell with the given index,
        for all the species in their index order

        :param bin_x:       The zero-based bin number of the desired cell
        :param bin_y:       The zero-based bin number of the desired cell
        :param conc_list:   A list with the desired concentration values to assign to the specified location
        :return:            None
set_species_concself, conc_data: Union[list, tuple, np.ndarray], species_index=None, species_name=NoneNone
        For the single specified species, assign the requested list of concentration values to all the bins,
        in row order first (top to bottom) and then in column order.

        EXAMPLE:  set_species_conc([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], species_index=0)
                  will set the system state, for the specified chemical, to:
                            [1, 2, 3]
                            [4, 5, 6]

        :param conc_data:       A list, tuple or Numpy array with the desired concentration values
                                    to assign to all the bins.
                                    The dimensions must match the system's dimensions.
        :param species_index:   Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
        :param species_name:    (OPTIONAL) If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
        :return:                None
inject_conc_to_binself, bin_address: (int, int), species_index: int, delta_conc: float, zero_clip = FalseNone
        Add the requested concentration to the cell with the given address, for the specified chem species

        :param bin_address:     A pair with the zero-based bin numbers of the desired cell, in the x- and y-coordinates
        :param species_index:   Zero-based index to identify a specific chemical species
        :param delta_conc:      The concentration to add to the specified location
        :param zero_clip:       If True, any requested increment causing a concentration dip below zero, will make the concentration zero;
                                otherwise, an Exception will be raised
        :return:                None
describe_stateself, concise=FalseNone
        For each chemical species, show its name (or index, if name is missing),
        followed by the matrix of concentrations values for that chemical

        :param concise:     Not yet used
        :return:            None
lookup_speciesself, species_index=None, species_name=None, copy=Falsenp.array
        Return the NumPy array of concentration values across the all bins
        (from top to bottom, and then left to right),
        for the single specified chemical species.
        NOTE: what is being returned NOT a copy, unless specifically requested

        :param species_index:   The index order of the chemical species of interest
        :param species_name:    (OPTIONAL) If provided, it over-rides the value for species_index
        :param copy:            If True, an independent numpy array will be returned: a *copy* rather than a view
        :return:                A NumPy 2-D array of concentration values across the bins
                                    (from top to bottom, and then left to right);
                                    the size of the array is (n_bins_y x n_bins_x)
bin_snapshot_arrayself, bin_address: (int, int)np.array
        Extract the concentrations of all the chemical species at the specified bin,
        as a Numpy array in the index order of the species
        EXAMPLE: np.array([10., 50.)]

        :param bin_address:     A pair with the zero-based bin numbers of the desired cell, in the x- and y-coordinates
        :return:                A Numpy array  of concentration values, in the index order of the species
diffuseself, total_duration=None, time_step=None, n_steps=None, h=1, algorithm="5_point"dict
        Uniform-step diffusion, with 2 out of 3 criteria specified:
            1) until reaching, or just exceeding, the desired time duration
            2) using the given time step
            3) carrying out the specified number of steps

        :param total_duration:  The overall time advance (i.e. time_step * n_steps)
        :param time_step:       The size of each time step
        :param n_steps:         The desired number of steps
        :param h:               Distance between consecutive bins in both the x- and y-directions
                                    (For now, they must be equal)
        :param algorithm:       (OPTIONAL) String with a name specifying the method to use to solve the diffusion equation.
                                    Currently available options: "5_point"
        :return:                A dictionary with data about the status of the operation
                                    (for now, just the number of steps run; key: "steps")
diffuse_stepself, time_step, h=1, algorithm="5_point"None
        Diffuse all the species for the given time step, across all bins;
        clear the delta_diffusion array, and then re-compute it from all the species.

        IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.

        :param time_step:   Time step over which to carry out the diffusion
                            If too large - as determined by the method is_excessive() - an Exception will be raised
        :param h:           Distance between consecutive bins in both the x- and y-directions
                                (For now, they must be equal)
        :param algorithm:   String with a name specifying the method to use to solve the diffusion equation.
                                Currently available options: "5_point"
        :return:            None (the array in the class variable "delta_diffusion" gets set)
diffuse_step_single_speciesself, time_step: float, h: float, species_index=0, algorithm="5_point"np.array
        Diffuse the specified single chemical species, for the given time step, across all bins,
        and return a 2-D array of the changes in concentration ("Delta concentration")
        for the given species across all bins.

        IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.

        We're assuming an isolated environment, with nothing diffusing thru the "walls"

        EXPLANATION of the methodology:

        TODO: also test on tiny systems smaller than 3x3

        :param time_step:       Delta time over which to carry out this single diffusion step;
                                    TODO: add - if too large, an Exception will be raised.
        :param species_index:   ID (in the form of an integer index) of the chemical species under consideration
        :param h:               Distance between consecutive bins, ASSUMED the same in both directions
        :param algorithm:       String with a name specifying the method to use to solve the diffusion equation.
                                    Currently available options: "5_point"

        :return:                A 2-D Numpy array with the CHANGE in concentration for the given species across all bins
convolution_5_point_stencilself, increment_matrix, species_index, effective_diffNone
        Carry out a 2-D convolution operation on increment_matrix,
        with a tile of size 3 that implements a 5-point stencil

        TODO: maybe pass self.system[species_index] as argument
        TODO: move the x effective_diff to the calling function

        :param increment_matrix:
        :param species_index:
        :param effective_diff:
        :return:                None (increment_matrix gets modified)
reactself, total_duration=None, time_step=None, n_steps=None, snapshots=NoneNone
        Update the system concentrations as a result of all the reactions in all bins.
        CAUTION : NO diffusion is taken into account.

        The duration and granularity of the reactions is specified with 2 out of the 3 parameters:
            total_duration, time_step, n_steps

        For each bin, process all the reactions in it - based on
        the INITIAL concentrations (prior to this reaction step),
        which are used as the basis for all the reactions.

        TODO: in case of any Exception, the state of the system is still valid, as of the time before this call

        :param total_duration:  The overall time advance (i.e. time_step * n_steps)
        :param time_step:       The size of each time step
        :param n_steps:         The desired number of steps
        :param snapshots:       NOT YET USED
                                OPTIONAL dict with the keys: "frequency", "sample_bin", "sample_species"
                                    If provided, take a system snapshot after running a multiple of "frequency" runs
        :return:                None
reaction_stepself, delta_time: floatNone
        Compute and store the incremental concentration changes in all bins,
        from all reactions,
        for a single time step of duration delta_time.

        The incremental concentration changes are stored in the class variable
        "delta_reactions", which contains a Numpy array that gets cleared and set.

        IMPORTANT: the actual system concentrations are NOT changed.

        For each bin, process all the reactions in it - based on
        the INITIAL concentrations (prior to this reaction step),
        which are used as the basis for all the reactions.

        :param delta_time:  The time duration of the reaction step - assumed to be small enough that the
                            concentration won't vary significantly during this span
        :return:            None (note: the class variable "delta_reactions" gets updated)